As a classically trained harpist with a Bachelor of Music Performance specialising in Pedagogy and 10 years teaching experience, instrumental teaching is close to my heart. Though I teach both ABRSM and RIAM harp grades, when working one-on-one with students of any age, my priority and preference is to collaborate with the student to develop and cultivate their own creative voice.

My teaching method prioritises developing skills and resources needed to equip the student to confidently and safely explore their instrument, awaken their own imagining of sound and form in order to ultimately cultivate independance to find, build and and hold new spaces for music and art in their lives and communities.

In terms of instrumental teaching this includes incorporating essential practice techniques and technical skills with composition and improvisation through a holistic approach to the creative potentials available to every person no matter their age or experience. It also will involve reflection and conversations on the active role of your own creative voice in your making and music learning, and the capabilities of the musician and creative in the ecosystem of contemporary society.

How can we utilise the skills we develop to nurture ourselves and each other? We will discuss the what, how, and why in order to allign practice, process and purpose.

I am opening a new space for reflective sessions for discussing and rooting through these principles in the new year.

If this interests you, please send me an email and I’m happy to arrange a call to discuss.

I also love working with groups and have run workshops on traditional Irish music and performed specialist performance recitals internationally, and I have completed a variety of workshop series on collaborative composition and musical concepts for the classroom and ensembles.

If you would be interested in receiving

-private lessons

-enquiring about the development of a workshop/workshop series for an ensemble, group, or classroom

- hearing more about the history or resources available to harpists in Ireland

Please get in touch at

or follow the enquiry links below to sign up for lessons!

What you’ll get

  • Classically informed, holistically focused technique

  • Insight from experience performing multiple genres such as classical, folk, rock, jazz, contemporary, and early music

  • Dedicate time and focus to setting and completing personal goals, and refining your creative ambitions!


x3 online half hour sessions

  • Explore your personal practice, process, and creative purposes

  • Discuss and set goals

  • Receive tailored materials

  • Develop practice strategies

  • Begin to explore physical methodologies

Full Season:

x7 online half hour sessions

  • Explore your personal practice, process, and creative purposes

  • Discuss and set goals

  • Receive tailored materials

  • Develop practice strategies

  • Explore physical methodologies/techniques of musicianship

  • Cultivate your own approach to your own creative practice

Advanced Full Season:

x7 hour sessions

  • Explore your personal practice, process, and creative purposes

  • Discuss and set goals

  • Receive access to tailored materials

  • Develop practice strategies

  • Explore physical methodologies/techniques of musicianship

  • Cultivate, document, and plan the progression of your own creative practice

  • Thorough discussions and feedback on process

  • Exploration of approaches, styles, genres: sources and collections, modes of music literacy and learning methodologies etc…